Friday, July 8, 2011

Obsessive Compulsive

You will always meet someone who is obsessive compulsive in your company. They could be one of the following:

1. Vain, that every fold in his shirt should be very accurate
2. The Folder Arranger, that should have several files of folders and having multiple labels, and sorted from A-Z, biggest to smallest, pornographic to the most wholesome
3. The Outliner, all things that you've said should have outlines, wherein one topic outline should start from roman numeral I down to

Of all, you should befriend Number 1, because that person will always want to look good. And in the company, those who look good looks less idiotic. You will always want to hide your dumb self, yet make yourself the most professional being that earth is always happy to have.

Number 2 has the tendency to put you on one folder. You have to back off a bit from this person because the more you stay with him, the fatter the folder that you will have, eventually will become a binder, and then a shelf, and then a cabinet. Unless you want to have an autobiography, then stay with this person.

Number 3 or the outliner is someone you wouldn't want to have for your entire life. You will always have plans even the schedule of your bathroom breaks and what are your next plans in the next 3 minutes after you have brushed your teeth. If you haven't flossed, then you might be out of the plan. It's dangerous to have this person within a short proximity. Do not tell too much about your life with this person, because the next time you'll know, he'll have an outline on when you should have sex.

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