Saturday, August 13, 2011

Being In Control

Being in control

Sometimes you'll feel that you're heart is being squeezed up to the point that you've noticed that your blood pressure is going high up the cylinder and the next last thing you'll know is that you're being controlled.

There are employees in the realm called office that would always want to be control.Take the terms:

- Obssessive Compulsive
- Quality Control
- Supervisor
- Leaders
- Assistant to a leader
- Center of the universe
- The "observer"
- Nerve of the company

There's still a lot of terms to associate to control, but they only have one goal - to choke out the remaining gas in your body - and yes, that's include fart.

When you are in a situation that you're working with people would want to be in control, then you are in very big trouble. They would always want to check what you're doing. They would dread that you're not being participative even though you just missed a fraction of the instructions that the person has mentioned. In so many ways, these "control hogs" can gain control like the Persian conquerors that they can eventually swarm over your comfort zone and gain your place to be their place.

Of course when that happens, you are now considered as a living dead and you will eventually become a slave of what you used to own. These "control hogs" are of course not really hard to torment. There are a variety of ways that you can do in order to overcome the relentless assault of these predators:

1. Again, poker face is the key. They wouldn't know where they will attack. They won't even know if the person is becoming frustrated or being happy with the instructions they are imposing.
Take into consideration the ratio: Level of your Frustration over the Level of Satisfaction of the Tormentor. The more you become frustrated, the more the control hogs would be energized.

2. Follow the instructions...that you like. This would simply mean - get the best details that you can use to turbo boost your career and trash out those that are stressful for your way. Remember, you have to take things your way, not their way. The reason you reached this reading is because you are now somehow a "smart guy" who knows what practical or not.

3. If there's a conflict of interest on some of the instructions on #2, do #1.

Keep in mind that control hogs will always feast on something that they can take over. These people are mistakenly known to be quality-oriented and excellent individuals, but they are simply getting on to fix mistakes which will make them look good, when it means that those mistakes by another person will always make the person (control hogs) who fixed it look good, when the person who fixed it just patched a little piece of what the previous person took hard to accomplish only to have an add-on by another person for them to look good. And of course, that gives them the great image and privilege to be in control. And you should be confused by this point because I don't want you to be in control of what I've written.

Just don't get yourself doomed.

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